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UDC 658.8-027.564.2

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Journalism and Advertising, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics  

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Journalism and Advertising of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Background. An increasing number of Ukrainian enterprises are shifting to the concept of socially responsible marketing, which involves implementation of a new set of marketing communication tools, including charitable sales promotion. The emergence and extensive use of the charitable sales promotion by enterprises made it necessary to research the effectiveness of such marketing activities. Most of the studies carried out in this area have been conducted in the developed countries with a high standard of living. Economic expediency of charitable sales promotion in Ukraine requires a separate study.
Materials and methods. The article uses the statistical data of the Charities Aid Foundation as well as the results of the original study in a form of a written questionnaire.
Results. Charitable activity is gradually gaining popularity in Ukraine, but Ukrai­nians express lack of confidence in charitable organizations and legislative regulation of their activities. At the same time, the majority of the survey respondents believe that well-known commercial organizations cooperate only with reliable charitable organizations.
Ukrainian consumers were found to be more interested in the direct price discounts than charity sales promotions. However, when compared with two-for-one offers/BOGO discounts, the opinions of the respondents were almost equally divided.
Among the purposes of charity activity, the most important for Ukrainian consumers are those related to children, namely: support of orphan and ill children. The second most popular charity activity area is assistance to ATO soldiers.
Conclusion. Although charity is gaining popularity in Ukraine, charity sales promotion cannot lead to the same results as direct financial incentives. However, enterprises can use charitable sales promotion to achieve both image and economic goals.
Charitable organizations should initiate charitable sales promotion, as close cooperation with well-known brands is an effective solution to the problem of distrust of Ukrainian society towards charitable institutions.
The article identifies major social concerns to be addressed in order to increase the effectiveness of the charitable sales promotion for a wide audience.
Keywords: charity, marketing communications, charitable sales promotion, ethical and socially responsible marketing.


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